The 401k eAlert System ™




 Ready-to-use, nothing to learn, 401k portfolio oversight for the discerning individual



“401(k) plans have been operating in a very dense fog… until now”


If you lost 30, 40, 50% of your 401k in 2008 and


If you know it is not a question of if, but when you will see the carnage of 2008 repeated… and the thought of watching years of painful savings go down in value day after day, week after week, and stay down for years at a time, again; plus the worry, and the guilt for having failed yourself and your family are still fresh in your mind… know you have a choice, an easy choice.


Warren Buffett’s Two Rules of Investing:

Rule No.1: Never lose money.

Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.


But how to make it work? The “Secret” is a System of Risk Management to Execute Rules No.1  & No.2.


Rule No.1... Your 401k eAlert System ™will always guide you into the highest ranked investments in your 401k in any market or into cash so you don’t get killed…

  • Step # 1:  list all your plan choices and help you set up your portfolio consistent with current market conditions.

  • Step # 2:  Add all your plan choices to our 401k eAlert System ™.

  • Step # 3:  Add a cash proxy to all your plan choices as a bogey check.

  • Step # 4: Then, every day, we grade all the investment choices available in your plan… including cash.

  • Step # 5: As time goes by, based on real-time market conditions, if the market indicates a prudent shift, we alert you to adapt and change your allocations.


Rule No.2… the 401k eAlert System ™  requires no effort on your part because you get an…

  • eAlert when significant market changes occur.

  • eAlert if we are NOT in a market worthy of your investment capital.

  • eAlert as to exactly what positions to sell.

  • eAlert as to exactly what positions to buy.


We are always available by phone, text or e-mail to guide you.

Exclusively for those who deserve to be rewarded with access to straight talk and proactive oversight – to limit the downside risk when appropriate, within his or her personal 401k account.  If you’d be open to discover if this is something worth considering for yourself,



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