401k Coaching Program

Ask yourself:

How do I make the best choices within my employer’s 401K plan?

Are the default plan options my best options?

Can I count on my plan provider or employer to make recommendations in my best interest?

Given my busy life, how do I know when I should make changes in my investments?

Feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of financial news?

Can I afford personalized financial advice?

Announcing the 401k COACHING program specific to your own 401k investment options!


After this coaching you will enjoy the:

  • Security in knowing you have prepared for the retirement of your dreams.
  • Knowledge, at all times, of the best choices so you can stay on track.
  • Confidence in your choices so you can take immediate action.
  • Freedom from any future worry that you may miss something important.
  • Relief from useless, financial media channels so you can enjoy today.


You will get one-on-one, personalized help from an experienced professional who will:

  • Immediately understand the investment choice in your plan.
  • Show you which are the better choices and explain why.
  • Show you when CASH is a better investment alternative.
  • Monitor all the investment choices in your plan.
  • Let you know when significant change happens.


Who is Coaching for? If you want to:

  • Have a professional working with you.
  • Maintain complete control over your account.
  • Buy or sell or vary the mix of investments how you see fit.
  • Know exactly what it will cost for this service.


How is Coaching different from Investment Advice?

401k Coaching is offered on a fixed monthly fee which will not change for 12 months. You can cancel coaching at any time – there is no long-term contract. The monthly fee is less than half of typical investment advisory fees. With coaching, you ok every change in your account because you select from the information we provide and determine what is appropriate for you.

Unlike Coaching, completely done for you investment advisory services are usually priced as a percentage of your account value. Annual Fees may be as high as 1.5% and are usually re-calculated and billed every three months. With done for you services you agree to give an investment manager the freedom to make whatever investment changes the manager believes are best without your prior ok on every single change.

If you want the same edge as the pros and the most complete, up to date, relevant information available, don’t miss your chance. Because this is one-on-one coaching, there are only so many people I can serve. Once we have your ok, we’ll start by giving you a free quote. If you decide this is not for you, no problem. We’ll delete your information and we’ll never bother you again – promise. If you have any questions, I reply to e-mails personally. Warmest regards, your host, George Huss.